Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Workday No. 6 "Cookin"

We are a'movin and a'shakin and you'd better not stand too close or you'll get hit in the head with flying debris or (god forbid) that nasty old glue. In fact you better not stand still for too long or the neighbor's little white dog might mistake you for a fire hydrant, if you know what I mean...Bill.

It was another packed day at Found with all hands on deck
including those handsome and most helpful young'uns.

First order of the day...destructionfollowed by the never ending glue scraping.
Poor Sandy. She got put in the naughty corner (soon to be known as the dressing room) and got stuck with the evil corner scraping. The good news, by accident I discovered that one of my paint scrapers actually works at getting the nastiest of the glue off. The bad news, you have to either sit on the little rolly cart thing or get on your hands and knees. No one wants to do this job but unfortunately it's all headed our way - I'm buying four more brand new shiny paint scrapers tomorrow morning. Oh joy...

Ellen tackled the floor bolts
while Marnie made short work of the door frame.
Ken dealt with the lightsand all things made of wire.

Bill handled the power tools and the pry bar

and kept busy as our resident spider monkey.
Eli joined in the demolition and used some mighty fancy footwork to take down a wall.


Zach fished the screws from the former wall studs
while his brother Jake tapped the nails out.
Me, I did a little bit of everything, flitting from one job to the next
trying to keep my shoulders and arms happy. I must admit,
the highlight of my day was using the power saw on the door jam.Grrrrrr.

Sandy brought in this beautiful counter which she recently
scored at one of Dan and Ellen's tag sales. It looks great in the space and has really nice metal feet. Suh-weet.

At the end of the day we piled all the construction debris and the
last piece of carpet into Sandy's box truck

while we got caught up on our favorite TV show,
American Pickers.

Then Sandy & Zach unloaded all 1,700 pounds
of the stuff at the nearby solid waste center. Your heard right, 1,700 pounds. Thank you Sandy and Zach.The space is really open and airy since the walls started coming down.
The ideas are really flowing now. We are living in our dream.

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